Developing computer vision application to detect appropriate social distancing and mask use to limit spread of COVID-19 for the course APS360: Machine Learning Fundamentals. Engineering the baseline model, managing machine learning data processing and creating Artificial Neural Network architecture in PyTorch and NumPy.
Developed a GIS map application for students to locate study spots and places for food outside of class hours, as part of course ECE297 (Software Design and Communication) in C++ using the Open Source code of OpenStreetMap. Implemented path finding algorithms for determining directions, shortest routes, and constrained paths. Created tactics to predict user’s search requests with suggestive text, reducing chance of user error by 50%. Enhanced performance by 60% and memory usage by 30%. Optimized map visualization using the Open Source GTK toolkit.
Implemented the traditional 2-player game of Nim on Altera FGPA (DE1-SoC) board, designed for ARMv7 processor architecture; programmed in C, uses polling from keyboard and switches as user input, and displays interactive VGA graphics. Completed advanced game features, including game reset, game rounds and scoring, and adjustable game difficulty
Recreated the traditional strategy game of Mastermind on an FGPA (DE1-SoC) board, using keyboard and switches for input. Developed random sequence generator, game controls and Finite State Machines (FSM) in Verilog, displaying VGA graphics. Ensured game was fully functional by analyzing simulations of control paths and data paths with Model Sim
Resolved complications of data integrity and tracking of refurbished hardware for reBOOT Canada by creating the first cloud-based relational management system in Python with Heroku for controlling flow of hardware donations. Enabled task automation to shrink data input time by 3 times. Integrated PostgreSQL database and Django to perform analytics, user authentication and facilitate database transactions
Self-directed research project to identify music notes of piano chords in a sample of music; topped 1st out of 120+ projects. Self-taught university-level mathematics and digital signal processing as a high school student. Developed program with Java and MATLAB to simplify complex calculations of the Fourier Transform and implement sorting algorithms, assess frequency distribution, and identify specific musical keys.
Winning Project at JAMHacks 2017 hackathon for 'Best Use of Projection'. Designed fitness gaming console to make wearisome exercise more enjoyable by immersing the user in a responsive 3D virtual environment using the Xadow Intel Edison development board. Participants reported 70% more willing to exercise. Generated a pedometer and calorie counter using C++ and Arduino to interpret gestures as exercise movements. Achieved strong foundation of hardware components by debugging conflicts and connecting different types of interfaces
Solved issues of data loss and inefficient storage by implementing a customer relations database management system from scratch using SQL, Microsoft Access & Excel; structuring client information for 100+ television service subscribers. Reduced time for data retrieval by 3 times; produced data clarity by creating meaningful insights from 15+ SQL queries. Decreased chance of input error by 5 times by improving input validation with input masks, macros and by building 10 forms.